Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Did you know that Octopizzo's new condoms actually glow in the dark?

You have probably heard about Octopizzo's new business venture, a condom line that is set to take the youths by storm. If not, I completely understand. The guy has lately been launching so many businesses that it's now hard to keep track.
With aim of fighting the spread of STDs and unwanted pregnancies among the youth, Octopizzo thought of a way to attract them to the use of condoms since, let's face it, you can't really expect us to stop, right?
So, Octo thought to himself, "what if I made the condoms glow in the dark." I'm not really sure what brought this thought to his mind, but he didn't waste any time in taking the initiative to make it happen.
Bringing in swag to the packaging, he made sure that they are as attractive and seductive as the action itself (if you know what I mean). I gotta say that he pulled it off. I'm not sure about the 'glow in the dark' feature, but the market will have the last word.
This will be very interesting considering that it's market has been expanded to cover the whole of Africa.

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