Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian Getting Own Reality Show?

Fans may have seen Kanye West make an appearance on Keeping Up With The Kardashians by now. But will the power couple be getting their own reality series? has spoken to an insider, who claims that Kanye and his girlfriend, Kim Kardashian, are trying to land a show that focus on their world of fashion and music.
“The cameras will follow the couple as they travel around the world, primarily in London, Paris, Italy and New York,” a source told the website. “They want to show the plush life of Kim & Kanye. Kris thinks Kim should focus more on fashion and develop a line with Kanye, since he is so heavily involved in that world.
Kris thinks this would bring in huge ratings,” the source added. “And lets face it the family has a $40 million deal with E! and they need to deliver the goods! “Apparently Kanye loves the idea! Kris is hoping Kanye’s famous friends like Jay-Z and Beyonce’ will be ok with being filmed for certain segments. Kanye really likes Kris, so he will try and make her happy. Both Kim and Kanye love the camera and love the attention. Who knows, maybe they will even have Kim rapping or singing on Kanye’s next album!”
Whether all this sees fruition or not remains to be seen, but the thought of Yeezy and Kim K. having their own show definitely sounds intriguing.—Jakinder Singh

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