Monday, July 23, 2012

Russell vs Roman....True blood 4

Russell vs. Roman on 'True Blood'

[This post contains spoilers for the July 15 episode of HBO's "True Blood."]
The Authority finally captured Russell on Sunday's episode of "True Blood," and it turned out to be a very bad idea.
Russell’s wolves attacked as he cornered Sookie, but she defended herself with her fairy laser magic. When Eric went in for the kill, Bill stopped him, suggesting they may be able to live if they delivered Russell alive.
Members of the Authority rushed in to take Russell away. They insisted Sookie and Alcide’s memories be erased. Bill pretended to glamour Sookie (she’s immune), saying he would erase all her memories of him and Eric so she’d be free to live her life as she should - in the sun. She got very upset. (Hey, it was a tough night. Let it out, Sook.)
Eric slowly approached Alcide, mended his wounds with his blood, and glamoured him. This is the stuff fanfiction sites are made of. For a moment, it almost seemed like they were going to kiss. Instead, Eric ensured the end of Sookie and Alcide’s romance. He’s jealous!
The next morning, when Sookie tried to touch Alcide to feed him memories of their adventure hunting Russell, he recoiled. And she knew it was Eric’s doing! The fact that he’s using another man’s (mostly empty) brain as a medium for flirtation is twisted, arrogant and totally romantic.
Elsewhere in Bon Temps, Luna was alive! She was frantic about Emma, who had run off to her crazy grandmother’s house. Martha brought Emma to visit Luna, and they made nice. In fact, Luna asked if Martha and the pack could protect Emma from the shifter hunters.
Sam and Andy went to the anti-vampire store to investigate who's been shooting shifters. When the owner tried to shoot Andy, Sam got him first.
Meanwhile, Andy’s partner Jason was still looking into his parents’ death. He told Sookie that he suspected they were killed by vampires, and she insisted they go to Faerie.
Sookie interrogated Hadley and Claudine’s brother Claude (a character readers of Charlaine Harris’ novels know well) at the nightclub. He admitted that Sookie’s parents were attacked on a bridge by a vampire who was drawn to their car by the smell of Sookie’s blood on a Band-Aid. Oh brother, the last thing she needs is more guilt.
After he left Sookie, Alcide went to visit his pack and declare himself packmaster. But he needed a second in command to challenge the leader. A woman stepped up - readers of Harris’ novels, I suspect this is Jannalynn? –  so get ready for a showdown.
Lafayette visited his mother Ruby Jean, and it was amazing (please, more of these two and less of Terry, Arlene, Hoyt, Bill, Tara…). She told him that Jesus was being tortured by an evil man, though she admitted she had no idea how she knew that.
At Fangtasia, Pam broke up Tara and Jessica’s fight. She told Tara she was proud “the way a human’s proud of a well-trained dog.” This was another homoerotic moment, and I think these ladies have a better chance of consummating their sexual tension than Eric and Alcide.
Jessica only got more upset when Hoyt tried to get back together with her. She told him he looked ridiculous and he replied, “that’s one opinion.” No, Hoyt, that’s all the opinions, so please go home and change immediately.
He did not go home. Instead, he decided to get sucked dry by a vampire outside the club. A van full of men rolled up and they killed the vampire, then recognized Hoyt and dragged him into the vehicle.
Oh, and Terry fled the fire monster and then told Arlene he was leaving her. So, bummer for them.
Back at the Authority, Roman seemed content to keep Bill and Eric alive. Bill emphatically pleaded his allegiance to mainstreaming, while Eric casually admitted, “there are certain humans I’ve felt protective towards. In the past.” Aw, Sookie!
Eric insisted on visiting Nora, who was still in a trance-like state of prayer. When she heard that Russell was about to be executed, she told Eric it was proof that “she” (Lilith?) had been right all along.
Salome supposedly “silvered” Russell, but it was obvious she wasn’t on the Guardian’s side. Sure enough, during the execution ritual, Russell shot up like a bolt and attacked Roman. He yelled, “peace is for p*****s!” and staked Roman.
Though a lot happened in this episode, it mostly felt like set-up. But Russell’s back, so that’s fun. Is the Guardian really dead? And will Lilith just rise already?R

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